Something else to learn about me: I like mysteries and puzzles. I wanted to be able to send coded messages to family and friends. However, I kept finding sites that only talked about encoding URLs/URIs, which was not what I wanted. Then, when I did find a site that said they created an encoder or “an encryption script,” they didn’t have scripts that decode or decrypt. So, I developed this page that both encodes and decodes.

There are two programs on this page: one Letter Scrambler and one Binary Encoder. Both are very simple and small JavaScript encoders & decoders that you are free to use at anytime. I don’t track, trace or withhold what you put in these text boxes. Personally, I don’t care how you use these encoders/decoders. Overall, I’m not liable for your behavior in how you use my scripts.

Letter Scrambler


Letter Descrambler


Binary Encoder

Code Key:    


Binary Decoder

Code Key: